Today in lesson we got shown how to drape on a Mannequin i thought that it was one of the easier patten drafting to do well that is what i thought other people might have different opinion to what they might find easier. for me i was making a corset but you can do a lot of things with draping
1. make sure that you have calico ,fabric scissors and pins ( lots of them) when i first started to cut the calico in to rectangular strips and pined them on to my mannequin but there the calico meet in the middle make sure that you pin both pieces of fabric together but not to the mannequin.make sure that you do this for half of it because if it is symmetrical you don't really need to do it for all the mannequin but if it not you will have to do all of the mannequin.
2. After you have done this i started to draw on my pattern with Taylor chalk . Once i was happy with what the deign looked like i used my fabric scissors and cut out the spear fabric.
3. After i did the same to the bottom i drew my shape i wanted on to the calico and then cut it out using my fabric scissors but just make sure that you done cut the sleeve that goes round the mannequin.
4. Once you have gotten the shape of the corset you can do anything to it what every design you want i choose to put little straps on to my corset and a trim around the top of the corset.
5. for the back of my corset i did a little low curve and then i just added the trim on the top and pinned the strap in to place.
6. Once you are done carefully remove one piece at a time and place them down on to a piece of grid paper and draw around the calico to make your patter piece make sure you make out on to the paper what is on the fold and what is on the biest and how many pieces yo need cutting out and where the pieces of the corset belongs. That is how you do draping.